Basics of Astrology
The study of or divination based on the supposed influence of the stars upon the multiple events such as human life events. This art or practice by using omens or magic powers to foretell the future is commonly known as astrology.
Astronomy is interwoven with astrology according to our ancestors.
Many different arenas of life are included in this ancient science which involves the study of movement of planets and stars.
It is really an art of astrologers who study the movements of these heavenly bodies and clarifies many issues regarding the matters of life on earth.
Astrology not only gives knowledge about individual's basic nature but also provides guidance regarding the opportunities on the way and the challenges which are faced very rapidly in life. It guides about the suitable time to take any decision regarding business, marriage, etc.
It is a very interesting and a vast field. Many people strongly believe in the study of astrology while some don't. The people, who believe in it, love to consult an astrologer to know more and more about their horoscopes as it accurately predicts human behavior or event up to a degree greater than a chance. Astrologers try to give a good advice to their consultants regarding their questions related to the common issues such as marriage, love, business, studies, travelling, future planning, behavior of spouse, health, etc.But, it is a must that before consulting the astrologer, one should make sure that his predictions are strong and he will give a good advice and he is not a fake astrologer.
The calculations related to zodiacs deeply involve the date and year of birth that is why the horoscope is a very personal study which should be accurately known otherwise a wrong information or forecast simply misguides the person.
There are more than 80 branches of astrology which includes some of the under stated fields:
· RELATIONSHIP ASTROLOGY: Includes the knowledge or help regarding the relationships such as choosing a life partner, lover, parents, children, boss, family, siblings, spouse, etc.
· VOCATIONAL ASTROLOGY: relates to occupation, profession and better guidance for the best career opportunity.
· MUNDANE ASTROLOGY: of or relating to the world or we can say it is concerned with the practical details of an everyday life which involves country issues and events relating to political activities, wars, global changes etc.
· ASTRO METEOROLOGY: A science that deals with the prediction of atmosphere and its phenomena and especially with weather and weather forecasting
· FINANCIAL ASTROLOGY: related to economy.
· GAMBLING AND SPORTS ASTROLOGY: foretells to help in taking right decision in games to gain benefit.
· MEDICAL ASTROLOGY: relates the diet routines for medical fitness and some people

The prediction of solar eclipse and lunar eclipse are also made by the help of astrology and this study totally depends upon the movements made by the heavenly bodies which make up the solar system.