Tips On Understanding Gemini Astrology
Gemini is the third sector of the zodiac. It represents the principles of communication and wisdom. In short, it revolves around how people express themselves and the tools they utilizes in this regard. The twins Castor and Pollux of this zodiac reflect Gemini's characteristics as a messenger. It is an old saying that father Jupiter was kind to these twins and hence, spared a horrible fate. According to this fate, the twins are supposed to wound up dividing their time between Earth and Olympus. This is perhaps one of the reasons that people under this sign possess diverse or "out of this world" ideas.The graphic symbol for Gemini represents the twins. There material and spiritual nature is the most important aspect of this astrology. Geminis are known to spread their ideas through their cell phones and words throughout the world. The color of Gemini is usually a pale shade. It can also be a crystallized tinge of blue. The pale shade of crystalline blue is the color of the air and the sea. The sea is a medium upon which Geminis sail their ships of ideas, imagination and information. It is not uncommon to see Gemini people surrounded by the blue color. It can be in the form of their clothing or their belongings. This is the color that provides them the feeling of being free and out in the open.
Blue topaz is the color and gem of Gemini. It reflects the favorable color of Gemini and refracts light. It also spreads out the beautiful colors of the rainbow on its edges. Ginseng is the ultimate fragrance of Gemini. This reflects the overall personality of Gemini. The root is also known to build up mental energy for Geminis. Number three is the actual number of Gemini. The number is known to imbibe energy and matter and disseminate it.
The lungs refer to the body correspondence of Gemini. Just as people born under this birth sign have a tendency to refresh people around them with their ideas, the lungs work towards providing fresh air in to the body. Sometimes, people born under this sign become over excited and this makes their breath shallow. They can lose their sense of balance. This is a negative trait. Whenever this happens, Geminis require to balance themselves via taking deep breaths of fresh air.
People born under the birth sign of Gemini are very flexible and adapting. They are in constant motion. They love to travel a lot and often make other people nervous.
Geminis are very communicative and love expressing their ideas with other people. The Gemini astrology is considered to be the most interesting one among the twelve zodiac signs. The astrology gives us a chance to get acquainted with people who are outstanding communicative and love spreading their 'out of the world' ideas. Understanding Gemini astrology is not difficult especially if you have an assistance of a well known, skilled and experienced astrologer. Geminis are powerful personalities and the astrology is interesting to explore.
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Astrology - Libra and Personality Balance
Practically almost everything must have a certain level of balance when it comes to the real Librans. If you should study some of the characteristics and qualities that the astrological charts will have for the other signs, you will realize that none possess the strong need for fairness, balance and justice like a Libra.
This natural Libra personality balance usually extends further than the monetary value, which sometimes appear miserly to others. They also have the tendency to want balance when it comes to political and religious aspects.
Libra is primarily ruled by the love planet, which is Venus. For this reason, both the Libra man and woman will show gentle feminine characteristics such as tenderness, strong romantic traits, all-natural style and taste for beautiful items and more. Typically, this behavior in some of these individuals sometimes induces some strong remarks for the males as they regard them as fairly effeminate.
You will find that both the males and females have excellent appeals which usually arouse emotions associated with passion, emotion and love in most of the people they come across. Undoubtedly, these individuals will get hurt quite often, simply because they are ruled by matters of the heart.
Most times the Librans are considered as lazy individuals, but usually it is continuous procrastinating more than anything else. Generally the postponement of things is not a result of laziness, but just their persistent incapability for making decisions.
The reality is that Librans can easily determine the positives and negatives of any plan of action and understands when everything is nicely balanced. A significant disposition of the Libra personality balance is their strong dislike for quarrels, fights and conflicts. This means that majority of the times, they will painstakingly keep away from any of those scenarios and then others tend to think that they are shy and weak individuals.
If you should find a Libran in a profession and career field that is plagued with a lot of decision making and continuous disputes, you can expect a very unhappy person. This is not to say that they aren't successful in doing this type of work, but because of the underlying factors of negatives and positives that they would encounter it will cause a serious psychological discomfort.
But, give them a pleasant and calm environment to work in and you will have an extremely happy person. Having comfort
But, give them a pleasant and calm environment to work in and you will have an extremely happy person. Having comfort in their work space is of utmost importance to a Libran and you will find their office space organize and tidy, as well as with decorated with relaxing furnishings and fresh floral arrangements. Some of the ideal career choices for them include Agents, Mediators, Advisors, Architects, Artists and Musicians.
When you think about luxury and comfort, you are using the ideal words that represent a typical lifestyle of a Libran. It is common to find the man and woman showing strong affections when it comes to their loved ones, family members and close friends.
When you visit a Libran at home you can expect to find loving, relaxing and peaceful surroundings, which is a sharp contrast to the generally vibrant social magnet that you will find outside of the home. This sign is considered to be the most desirable of the zodiac signs and this is understandable in light of the friendly, charming, good looking and helpful individuals that you will find.
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Aquarius, Conservatism and the Iron Fist
Aquarians often get a good press. It's because the sign is regarded as being open-minded, as well as being orientated towards the future. Matters are further improved by the association with the Age of Aquarius, so hyped by the 'sixties musical Hair
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Aquarius! Aquarius!
All very nice, but I'm afraid it doesn't ring true. In traditional astrology the sign Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, which is a down to earth planet, that rules limitation rather than freedom.
It's probably because of Saturn's influence that Aquarians have a reputation for being independent-minded. Saturn can be quite a solitary influence, that encourages people to set themselves apart from the rest of humanity. And while many Aquarians are very sociable, their opinions can be unusual, as well as being rigid.
An extreme example of the sign Aquarius is Nazi Germany. Hitler came to power on January 30 1933, so we can regard Nazi Germany as being an Aquarian entity. It trampled on the norms of decent behaviour, and was transfixed by a fantasy, which it put into action with brutal efficiency.
Another Aquarian entity is the Islamic regime in Iran, which came to power on February 11 1979. We see the Saturn element, with the unbending traditionalism, as well as the dogmatic adherence to a religious ideology.
Interestingly February 11 1979 was Sarah Palin's fifteenth birthday - she was born on February 11 1964.
I watched Sarah Palin's campaign for the Vice Presidency, and to me she came over as a typical Aquarian. She gave the impression of being a loose cannon, who liked to do things her way, who didn't fit in with the expectations of her campaign team.
Over the course of the 2008 campaign Sarah Palin's intellect was frequently criticised, and we should remember that one of the keywords astrologers often ascribe to the sign Aquarius is 'intellectual'.
At this stage we should perhaps distinguish between knowledge and intelligence. Sarah Palin was caught out because there were gaps in her knowledge about politics and world affairs. Yet you can be intelligent without being knowledgable.
I suspect in Sarah Palin's case it was about narrow focus. Some things were important to her, as a conservative Governor of Alaska, other things weren't worth bothering with.
Ronald Reagan was another Aquarian, who was not noted for his intellectual abilities. He was dogmatic in what he believed in - like Sarah Palin - and he actually believed that Communism could be defeated. This flew in the face of accepted wisdom, but as history showed, he was right.
Then there's Dick Cheney, former US Vice President and one of America's most influential conservatives. There's nothing fluffy or pie-in-the-sky about Dick Cheney. He's an absolute realist, and he believes that America must defend her interests, through a strong and proactive foreign policy.
As for the Age of Aquarius, I'm not sure whether we should really be looking forward to it. We could see technology being harnessed for the purpose of repression, and there could be an atmosphere of cold brutality.
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