Astrology of Taurus - Is it Really About Money?
In astrology Taurus is connected with the bull, the stubborn bull headed sign that will not budge until he or she is ready. Astrologers connect Taurus with the arts, money, food, and luxury. Money can be a theme in the Taurus life, as the Taurus is fated to confront concerns and issues around finances.
Part of the lesson in Taurus life is to learn to say enough is enough and move on. Many times the Taurus works in a job they do not like or does not pay well for years. Yet they continue to put in time and energy towards the job either through inertia or normally through an inner belief that if they just try harder, give it time, that eventually the seed they planted will bear fruit.
What they don't realize until enough time passes is they are busy watering and watching the seed, (showing up at a job and doing the work) but the seed that was planted is rotten and will never bear the fruit that they want. Or they wait years for the fruit of their labor only to find out the time and effort expended they ended up with a lemon tree and had always expected a sweet juicy fruit.
One crises a Taurus will confront at one time in life will be about their worth. Taurus views the world around her through what is it worth? Sometimes translated into how much does it cost? It is natural for a Taurus to drive down a street and wonder what the value of a property cost, or notice price tags or sales plastered on bill boards. This tendency to think about or ask about money gives them the reputation of always having money on their mind; however it is an innate quality of assessing value.
Many Taurus when they were growing up realized that if they had money they would have more power or something that they wanted. They may have been shamed by not having money to buy nice clothes and felt less than, or chastised for wanting a toy hearing the words we don't have money for that. Beliefs and conditioning around money and finances are ingrained in everyone yet the Taurus has more sensitivity connected with personal self worth connected with ownership.
This is not to say all Taurus have or even want money, in fact some Taurus become disillusioned quite early in life and move the other direction, sensing the judgment and condemnation associated with money, they can vow to disdain the pursuit of financial security, yet it is only the flip side of the coin. The emotional issue around money still exists.
Ownership for the Taurus can extend beyond the accruement of material possessions, in relationships a Taurus can be possessive of loved ones, again most times without any intent to harm, in fact as a means of affection, My love, My children, My husband common in the English language. The MY with the Taurus has the deeper emotional possessive quality than for others.
One of the task in the Taurus life is to discover how much they really need to be happy, and consciously take control of their financial future and how they handle money versus being subconsciously dictated to through the advertising media about what one needs to have and to own to feel as if they are OK. The other life lesson for Taurus is to learn when to move on and try something new and different.
Astrology is a complex subject and astrologers agree that finances are only one aspect of the Taurus makeup. Learn astrology and you will understand and sense the deeper meaning in the words and actions of those around you.
To learn how astrology impacts your life go to Donna Page MS will show you how to be your own astrologer and use the secrets of astrology to have the life you want.
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Astrology Virgo and the Virgin Personality
The virgin personality of a Virgo is one which reflects meticulousness, intelligence and a strong assertion to do what is right. They have this tendency to place emphasis on practices, which give them an unnerving approach to life. The characteristics of a Virgo show that everything in their life is done in a methodical way.
The lifestyle of a Virgo often reflects bliss, happiness and success. It is possible for them to live comfortably in the suburbs, as well as the city. You will find most of the aspects in their life well planned and task is carried out in a systematic and routine way. Therefore, they will be will quite happy if given the chance to lead this life and will make the people around them happy also.
The general temperament of a Virgo is their foresightedness and energy which is noticeable in the focus that is placed on details. They will plan every single thing, regardless of how minor and insignificant it might seem to others. For this reason, they will go through their chosen path in life quite happily and efficiently.
Most times, these individuals get so possessed with the little details that they completely overlook the larger and broader aspects of their life. It is a good thing that, the methodical and cool headed virgins are mostly in control of this neurotic personality, so they can prioritize work and relax a bit in order to get back on track.
When it comes to profession or career path, the virgin personality of a Virgo is extremely practical and the goals that are set are usually realistic and easy to achieve.
When you have them at the workplace they are serious and loyal workers to the end. It is said that being structured and task oriented are keywords of a virgin, but quite often others might do the work and they still take the credit. On the other hand, their perfection often causes them to have nervous breakdown and ill health because they will not stop until the work is completely finished.
Based on their organizing and problem solving skills, these individuals usually opt for some of these career choices. They are managers, lecturers, social workers, executives, musicians, artists or actors.
When it comes to matters of emotions and sexuality, the astrologers indicate that these individuals will aim for perfection during sex. But, most times they try to control their feelings and will not allow themselves to be caught up totally by love.
This is simply because they have strong emotion, but are usually fearful of the unknown. It is believed that if they let their guards down, then the unpredictable and unnecessary happenings in life could be a hindrance.
But, the long and short of the virgin personality of a Virgo is that in long lasting relationships they are hardly ever happy. However, when they discover the right mate, they are can easily become absolutely the best partners. A Virgo man or woman is loyal, supportive and faithful like no other, so if you are searching for this kind of person, you might want to learn as much as you can about them.
Colin Scott is an astrology enthusiast. For more great tips on astrology Virgo and Virgo compatibility visit any of the links in this authors bio.
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Sun in Capricorn Astrology - The Capricorn Desire For Accomplishment and Respect
One of the issues a Capricorn will face sometime in their life is the concern around their reputation, what they think they 'should" do or are "supposed" to accomplish, and the ensuing commitments, regrets and resentments. Just as other signs have a fated aspect to their astrology chart, one of the fated aspects for Capricorn is a concern of not appearing as a fool and being respected by people they engage with in their lives. The fear of being caught in a situation they can't handle can translate into not wanting to take risks to avoid any potential shame or embarrassment.
Astrologers assign to Capricorns the planet Saturn, the planet of duty, responsibilities, and hard work. Many times the Capricorn will have embedded within their belief system that success that comes easy isn't success; that one must work hard for success and go through society's standards of what determines success. This can translate into getting a degree from a well respected school. If the Capricorn can not afford the ivy league school or is not accepted into top rated schools they may feel frustrated and notice others who have degrees from the Ivy Leagues appear to have an unfair advantage.
Since Capricorns are attuned to time better than the rest of us they can be good at planning for their future, if they are not in a position to set aside money for their future they will have a tendency to worry about it. This leads to the bag lady syndrome, what if I end up at the end of my life with nothing, like the old lady on the street corner hauling her bags? Because of the inner conditioning and worry element that is so natural for Capricorn I believe it is imperative that they just cover the bases to give them the feeling of security they crave. This can be done through well accepted avenues such as setting up retirement accounts and having insurance policies for any possible disasters they could worry about so they can set aside those concerns and concentrate on the present.
Capricorn rocks when she is focused on a plan of action and working step by step towards her goal. The crises in a Capricorns life will be when they reach the top of the proverbial mountain they have been climbing and look around and discover it was someone else's mountain they worked so hard to get to the top of. Many times the Capricorn adopts the standards and ideals of the society around them when they are young; what mom and dad think they would be good at, what the school counselor tells them they should do, or what appears to be most respected profession from the media. When this happens a crises of faith occurs when they reexamine just whose life they are living.
The inner parent is a constant companion for the Capricorn, what they should or should not be doing. When the Capricorn begins to really listen to their inner voice on a conscious level they will hear a parental voice telling them everything they "should" be doing. It is important for Capricorn to question that inner voice and talk back; why should I? Who are you to tell me what I should and should not do? Many times the answer is an outdated lecture heard over and over from an authority figure from years before.
As a Capricorn commitments take on a whole new meaning, if a commitment is accepted out of duty or obligation then resentment can follow. Regrets and resentments can eat away at the Capricorn who has not examined their life and made sure it was one of their choosing and not one that adopted because it was what was expected of them. A happy Capricorn is one who can look at the time line of life, past and future, yet be grounded in the present with no regrets or resentments.
When you learn astrology you can be your own astrologer and use astrology to understand who you are on a deeper level and guide you towards the life you want.
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