Aries Star Sign Explained

The Aries star sign is recognized as one of the fire signs of the zodiac. By being born under the fire sign they often have their own characteristics. The fire can breeds a certain enthusiasm and energy into the Aries star sign and the person. Nevertheless, the magnitude of this enthusiasm can range greatly depending upon their mental state and wellbeing at the time. This can make this star sign one of the least predictable of all the star signs in the Zodiac. In the same way that this star sign can be fickle with people they also have little respect for routine and at their happiest when the situation is constantly changing even it is beyond their control. A routine for Aries can become boring and dull. Aries are always to bring a bit of excitement to their life even if it involves risk however large the risk may be. If you fail to keep the Aries star sign entertained they will become indifferent and hostile to even those closest to them.
It is important that this sign is governed by Mars. Subsequently, they are strong willed and rarely back down even against the most aggressive of the other star signs. Moreover, they are probably the best star sign to have in your army. They show courage, determination and clearly strive to achieve their goals.
The Aries star sign is part of the elite cardinal group of star signs. These are the leaders of the pack and you will soon realize that in the work place and even at home. Aries enjoy change and can often be the leaders of projects to ensure everyone is doing what the Aries wants them to do. With this they can have great leadership skills. However, if something does not happen quickly and the way they want it to happen an Aries will soon their patience and in some cases might take on the tasks believing they can do a much better job. Indeed a more aggressive Aries will even make it clear to the person that they are better at the job!
Being a fire sign Aries are often warm hearted and will often have the greatest range of friends. Aries find it is easy to make friends. Their willingness to take a risk, pursuit of excitement and whole hearted passion in everything that they do make them excellent friends and potentially fantastic businessmen. In relationships, this star sign performs best when paired when an air sign like Gemini or Libra. Sometimes the relationships between these two signs can often be the strongest of any of the signs. In business they work especially well under other cardinal star signs like Capricorn.
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Astrology For Leo Sun Sign - Listen and Follow Your Heart's Wisdom

In astrology Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun as the center of our solar system is the star which all other planets revolve around. Astrologers may say that the Leo person wants to be the center of attention; this may or may not be true depending on the rest of the astrology chart. Yet the Leo path in life is always to find their center and to follow their heart.
The crises in the life of Leo will be around pride, courage, love, being acknowledged and being approved of. Usually these are all combined together with a story or drama that unfolds. Leo needs drama in life. They need to feel and express life. However if they are not conscious of their inner needs then the drama can unfold whereas they are so wrapped up into the play they take it very seriously and can become entrenched in a drama of epic stature.
Many times the young Leo had an event happen in their lives where they either got attention and approval or was hoping for the attention and approval of a respected and loved adult, usually a parent. An emotional charge was set up, either that they did something, a little show perhaps for the adults, and felt loved and adored with attention. That event set up a pattern of I need to play a part, put on a show in order to get approval, love and attention. Or sometimes the Leo child wants love and attention and feels ignored and keeps upping the ante in acting out or seeking someway to get mommy and daddy's attention, such as by getting sick, provoking a sibling, etc.
This emotional set up can continue in adult life where the Leo feels that need to accomplish more and more to have approval. The approval and love that was wanted or reinforced at childhood now becomes an ambiguous approval from the world. If I am the best sales person at the office then somehow life will be better and this can go on until an emotional crisis occurs with the underlying question of "why am I not happy"?
It is important for the Leo in their spiritual path to ponder whether or not they are taking an action for approval. Again this is a hidden feeling or driving force under the surface of day to day activities. Therefore self examination is very important. One way to discover whether or not what you are doing is genuine is to ask whether or not you feel someone in your life will "approve" of what you are doing. Think of people you care about or those you want to care about you. Next ask yourself if in addition to (as an example) going to a particular workshop if you think so and so would admire you for doing that. This can be an access to whether there is a hint of wanting approval. If so, then ask yourself if you go to someplace or do something even if there was no admiration or even if there was disapproval.
This is one way Leo can find their heart and life path. Having the courage to follow it is the next step. It takes courage to consciously step on a path you want but you know others who are important to you in your life do not approve of. The Leo must seek the truth in their heart, is the path you want the best for your highest good? Is it pure without being tainted with doing it as a result of hurt pride or ego? Are you willing to risk loosing others in order to have what your heart wants? Once you examine the truth in your heart courageously set out on your own adventure.
Remember the sun the star in our solar system, the other planets (people in your life) are the supporting actors in the play of your life. If they are not suited to the role you may need to fill the supporting characters with others.
Astrology is a complex subject, different astrologers interpret the planets in many ways, yet the core foundation is the same. We all have Leo somewhere in our chart and lesson of Leo as well as the gift that Leo is meant to master and show us pertains to all of us.
For more astrology tips go to Discover how to be your own astrologer and use the secrets of astrology to have the life you want.

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The Personality Traits of a Sagittarius Baby

Your Sagittarius Baby...

November 22 - December 21
Young Sagittarians are happy, contented and playful. They can be impulsive and will be the kind of child who says 'hello' to everyone, and they will be despondent if others don't respond. Your child will be active and adventurous, rarely sitting still, but as a result may pick up more bumps and bruises than other children.
Although a Sagittarian child enjoys company, but when she or he is left alone will be content hugging a teddy or blanket. Sagittarians are totally honest and expect to be treated openly and honestly in return. You may find that your child asks endless questions and will demand answers from you.
Most Sagittarians enjoy learning but will take a dislike to any rules that they see as pointless. They are sociable characters who should be allowed to take any opportunity to socialise. Parents should not pressure a Sagittarian child or be possessive over her. A young Sagittarian child may hide her hurts and disappointments and should, therefore, be encouraged to show feelings.
Sagittarians are generous and parents will have to give guidance about money from an early age. These children are restless and freedom loving, but they may need to be taught that there are some social rules that must be obeyed for their own good.
The typical Sagittarian can be a bit clumsy and will pick up knocks and bruises from falling over and bumping into things. From a health viewpoint, the typical Sagittarius may suffer from asthma.
Author: Tony Luck who runs a site about pregnancy and babies. The site includes the fascinating Chinese birth chart which supposedly tells you whether your baby will be a girl or boy. Visit our online shop to view a great range of personalised-gifts for any occasion.
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