Practical Astrology - Take Advantage of Your Personal Opportunity Days

Personal opportunity days - we all have them.
Even when you are being tormented by the harshest of challenges, from time-to-time, the Universe will cut you a break.
And when it does, there is no reason to be shy be shy. Take full advantage of the energy.
Where and how do you find these jewels?
All you need is a copy of your birth chart and a current ephemeris or astrological c
alendar showing daily planetary positions.
What you are looking for is transits by and to what astrologers call, the benefics. These are planets whose energy generally makes us feel good and are well received by others. Jupiter, for example, is the place to find hope in the horoscope. Under Jupiter's influence you will tend to feel buoyant and optimistic and the world feels kinder.
Watch for a passing opportunity and a feeling of luck. Often these are small things. When I recently took a plane flight while Jupiter was conjoining my Moon and I was running lat
e, the security check-in line was mercifully small and I was able to get a window seat on a long flight even though only middle seats were available when my flight was ticketed.
No, it was not winning the lottery - that rarely happens even under Jupiter's benefic rays, but that small incident got the trip started on the right foot.
Do be aware that Jupiter can be easily overdone - in other words, it is easy to feel so good in the moment that it is tempting to overextend yourself by over eating or over spending. But if you have been buffeted by challenging transits or even just the current economic downturn, Jupiter's buoyancy is a welcome antidote.
Another benefic is Venus. When Venus governs the way we attract... people, partnerships, and resources. So when Venus is touching your chart, you are likely to be perceived as more charming than usual and the check in the mail finally shows up.
The Sun, at least in western astrology, is another benefic. Every year, the Sun returns to the position it occupied when you were born. We call that day your 'birthday' and it is celebrated. Astrologers call it your solar return.
Technically, the solar return is exact the day of or the day before your birthday. You will know it because you will feel special.
Personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) coming to your ascendant and midheaven are also opportunities to shine. The midheaven is the very top of your chart. When a planet travels there, you are very visible, so if you want to promote yourself, that is the time.
The ascendant is the place where you meet the world on a one-to-one. When benefics touch that point, your personal contacts tend to be well received.
These opportunities are generally fleeting so plan for them and take advantage of them when they arise.
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